My nifty thrifty handy dandy rockin green binder! It has pockets labeled for store coupons, baby items, food & non food items. The front holds ads & the back holds receipts
Bought the haircolor at $1 off, used a $1.50 coupon & received $2 bucks back

Bought the toothpaste, though not my usual brand, for $1 off, used $1 coupon & recieved $2.77 bucks back which I used toward the rest of my items I wanted
So I got myself a green binder & sat down with a stack of coupons found in the mail, newspaper & magazines & a labelmaker & got down to business sorting & organizing. No I have not actually gtten into the show Extreme Couponing, it's a bit too, well you know, extreme for me. I do what works; sign up for coupons & free samples & "like" alot of great sites on Facebook which alert me to killer deals & of course I swag it up with Swagbucks. love it. I go on websites all the time of products I love & tell them so & they send me coupons~SCORE!!! I love a good deal & free stuff is the best! With #4 on the way I have to be frugal & know how to do it right! Last week I spent almost $50 at Target & saved $26. I go a couple free things & got great deals on others. I hold on to coupons & wait for a good sale to use them with & combine the two. I love CVS because they do the extra care bucks back which is wicked awesome! Today I went, of course armed with my obnoxious & dorky green folder full of savngs & ads, Mia got a carriage & we got busy looking for savings & matching sales with coupons. First we bought the stuff we were going to get bucks back with, the stuff was on sale, we used coupons, then took the bucks back & got the rest of what we wanted that was on sale & used coupons & the bucks & scored big! Everything came to $0.87 before tax, $1.49 after & look at what I got!!!!!! I saved a grand total of $18.59 between both transactions! 

I actually ended up going back & buying 5 razors on sale, plus used $3 off coupon & got $3 bucks back which I used to get the Garnier conditioner, same kind for free! I also bought 3 boxes of cereal such as Cheerios & Honey Nut Cheerios that were on sale for $2.47 from $4.99 & used a coupon for those too! I bought 2 boxes of Nature's Valley granola bars that were also on sale, used a coupon, bought a few other things that were on sale & used coupons for that too yada yada, you get it! The 2nd trip I saved almost $20 & spent $13. Not too shabby! All in a day's work!!!