Hey Everyone!!!! I am doing great, better than I should be! I'm gettin around but cheating and doing stuff I shouldn't when no one is looking! Seriously, I am only supposed to be resting and showering, but I do light stuff around here. I'm not stupid I just feel better being active. They pumped me with so much gas, I'm just better off walking and moving around. I have had gall bladder pain and indigestion for about 2 months and had an ultrasound and found I had gall stones and sludge and they were going to monitor it. Well I went back to the dr bc it wasn't going away, it was like a lead sinker that was always there. Finally last sun i was breathless and Colin packed up the kids and took me to the er. My parents came and took our jeep and went to our house to grab stuff and ended up keeping them for 4 nights. it was painful and quite an ordeal. I was dehydrated when i got there I had antibiotics bc my liver was swollen and my enzymes were up. I had an ultrasound and waited til surgery day when they took me 5 hours late. I spent a lot of time in prayer and reading the Bible and witnessing to my nurses, and enjoying the family and friends who support and encourage me. I was more worried about Colin losing almost a week's pay bc he stayed with me. He took the kids out for the morning yesterday to Dunkin and the Home Depot workshop and helped them both make a craft project. They had a blast! Then he did the food shopping. I can only shower and rest until my apt on the 14th. aghhh! I will be going to church and voting though. My sister came and sat with me all day at the hospiatl and brought Colin coffee and egg sandwiches from D+D and came back that night with Gary after he got out of work. Steve and Sheri came later after working all day and stayed til after visiting hours! My Papa came to visit and Liz and Tom came and brought me some books, crossword puzzles, tootsie pops, gum, a card and balloon! I got soooo many phone calls from family and friends while there. My pastor came to see me too! He's so amazing! He made my day! I pushed after my surgery to come home so after an hour I was up and running, so they let me go 2 hours after., Even with the delays and waiting around for a few days there, it was overall a good experience. The nurses were all awesome and I was able to witness to them and joke with all of them and practice patience too. Everyone who took care of me was great. My anatheseologist and even the older men who wheeled me to my tests, then later to surgery, everyone's got a story and it's fun to hear. We always get nurses who like to come in and chat with us! My doctor was the same one who did my breast surgery, she's fantastic. Colin and my mom would flip flop she would sit with me while he saw the kids and then he would stay with me overnight and most of the time. My mom came over at 7:30 the next day and has been an angel. Sheri brought over lunch (homeade chicken salad my big bro Steve made!) and dinner ( chicken bruchetta! yum!) and groceries and games to keep the kids happy and helped my mom who is going to be here all day every day for the next couple of weeks. She stayed all day and shared our meal and spent time with us. She also offered to foodshop and take on our errands. Women from the church are offering meals and childcare! I have a few women from the church and friends bringing cards or a meal. Ness surprised me and brought me a Caramel mochiatto and a beautiful singing friendship card and offers to help and left some raviolli's for us. Liz came over and sat for a few hours with us. Cheryl came over at night for a bit with Mema. So nice. It's cool to see how the circle of love continues, now these people i have cooked or baked for or helped out giving back and some ladies i didn't even know. All my friends have called or sent a card and family members in other states have their churches praying! I am in awe of God's love shining through so many people that just do beacuse God lays a need on their heart and they are about others and being a servant. God blesses and uses those people who are blessed with more so they can give back to others who may have less. And those people who don't have much, but freely and willingly give, God bless their hearts! Last night Corey, a man from our church who I'd never met brought over a wonderful huge lasagna (delish!) and a huge salad and loaf of bread, after working all day and on the way out. His wife Natalie cooked it all and I got to meet her today, she's in my daughter's second class when all the children's classes combine but didn't realize it!!! Another woman Amy came up to me and told me she's bringing over a big chicken pot pie tomorrow afternoon! This woman has 4 of her own little girls and family to take care of,! I have said hi to her at church, but didn't really know her. How sweet and giving! Cindy Johnson gave us a huge dish of this awesome pasta and brocolli dish and brownies today. She's always doing something for someone else! I had a few women ask for my address and Shelly, WHO IS DUE ANY DAY!cooking a meal and dropping off tomorrow early evening! She's an awesome cook, too! She also called to check in last week. So Ali came over tonight after the kids went to to bed and brought us baked manacotti and spent time with me :) Then she says if we need more food just ask, anytime. Then she says if we want to drop the kids off anytime she will take them, her and her husband, and if we need laundry or any housework done to let her help. This woman has 3 kids and is preg! And does preschool homeschool. Unreal! She acted like it was no big deal! This coming from the person who is thoughtful and considerate enough to put her dog away when we come over, or her husband does beacuse my daughter is afraid of him. I say he lives here it's ok, and she says it's only for a little while, he'll live, it's more important for her to enjoy herself and feel comfortable here! She's a sweetheart, they are both great. We went to church today and I was just overwhelmed by awesome love and kindness and genuine hugs and prayers. Everyone was surprised to see me and so concerned for me! It's just so mind boggling! I am amazed by such gracious humble people! I just have to say my mom is just beyond words! Her and my dad have always been there to help us and support us, they are so unselfish and my mom works her butt off and does it because she truly wants to. She's the best mom and Noni. She spoils me and brings over little treats. Mia I have to say has been PHENOMINAL through this whole experience! She was so understanding from the very beginning and so concerned for me, stepping up and helping me out. She has been so independant and helping take care of her brother and not complaigning and babying me! She pets my face and kisses my belly with soft healing butterfly kisses. She lays in bed with me and prays for me. She got out her phone the other day and said My mommy needs some prayer for her belly and she was in the hospital, she can't lift my brother so we're going to need some help. She hung up and said, okay, now who else do I need to call? She's a doll. She tells me every day Mom you are such a good Mommy and I love you Mommy...EVERY DAY!! Colin has been doing the laundry, cooking, dishes, vaccuming, cleaning, bathing the children, phone calls, errands and shopping, doing his lunch, taking care of the bunny and fish, pampering me, EVERYTHING so when my mom comes she won't have to do anything but care for the children, although she finds things to do! :) He has had the best attitude too, so willing and helpful, calling me Sweetheart and Darling tenderly. He told me if he had to care for me and the children forever he would gladly do it because we are his family and he is blessed by us and he would be honored to do so. I didn't take any pain meds in the hosp but am now. i am in a real lot of pain. It will pass and God will sustain us all. I am a little worried beacuse he won't be able to do any sidework at all for about 3 weeks. Plus he doesn't get paid for holidays. That's why I'm glad we are getting so much food, I have started putting some in the freezer because we will be stocked and it will be a blessing in the month ahead, especially this week when he gets a 2 day paycheck. God will provide, and he is not worried, he just says God is our Redemmer and we will be taken care of by His hands. So I am praying and putting that faith into practice. We have been throught trying times before and He always lifts us up and has something better coming. Sometimes through angels unaware. So thanks to all of you who have ministered to us with your servant's hearts and willing attitude to do whatever it takes to help. You fed more than our bodies. We are so grateful and the chain of love will not end here, we will continue on. We love you all!