
Hello! Hello! It has indeed been awhile! We are filling the days here. Last week Mom and I updated in the kitchen Mia's "classroom workspace"and we brought her desk upstairs and she loves to sit at it and do art. We haven't done too much in the way of schoolwork or workbooks bc she finished the ones she had. She is getting more for Christmas from Noni and Papa. We have been doing a lot of baking and pretty art projects for Christmas. One thing we made is cinnamon and applesauce ornaments. I remember making these with my mom and sister when I was little. She was always very active in our lives and always cooking baking and doing art projects with us. It shows today because my sister and I are crafty and love to make projects with our own kids now. We both love to cook and bake as well. She however is a great hostess and I prefer to be behind the scenes more, although I do enjoy having people over. So they came out wonderful. They smell good too, and they were fun and easy. Mia and I made these together. I took a pic of the recipe, can you read it? We made a trip to the library and got a huge stack of books, the three of us, and Eli nearly destroyed the children's center, lol! I'm grateful for his big sister who really helps me out alot when I feel overwhelmed. It's really hard having a boy! If he's not in the trash, or tearing thru everything in sight, he's getting hurt, breaking something or climbing and performing acrobatics off anything he can get on! Okay, so maybe I'm a bit dramatic, but he's so active and he's got that charming smile he flashes before he touches something he shouldn't! Thank God for that easy going nature and quick smile, he's so sweet but definately a handful!!! The other things we made, it took two days because we had to trace and cut them all out, was white snowflakes with light blue glitter. They were fun and messy! We decorated the house with all our Christmas stuff and listened to Christmas music. I got some baking done too. I am making two pies for wednesday night's Pie and Praise night at church. I am looking forward to being blessed and the wonderful fellowship of our church family. Our church is another home to us, we love it deeply in our hearts! I'm also really looking forward to Thanksgiving because my cousin Ruth and her family Eddie and Eva are coming home (from VA) to her mom's, my Aunt Kathy's house! I am so excited to see them, and Thanksgiving is always so nice at their house. We got some invites for dessert, but are undecided. I still have to finish baking for Thursday.
I have joined facebook finally and am really enjoying it immensely! It's a blast! I am reconnecting with friends in other states and churches with their own families. I am trying to maintain my other sites as well. My friend who I've known for years and we used to play together when we were young asked me in church if we could go out together because she'd like to reconnect. We see each other at church, but this would be nice. It blessed my heart. I had two showers, one friday night for Shelly and the other sat afternoon for Amanda, both friends from church. Amanda and her husband and I have all known each other for years and years! Now we are all grown and have our own babies! I also got a surprise at her shower, another friend from childhood, Aimee was there for her cousin's shower! Her sister and me and my sister were inseparable when we were young. It was nice that they were both church showers since I got to know some nice girls I know but not well from church, and are now my friends online! I am so blessed by beautiful friendships, friends are the gifts God gives you and my cup runneth over!
I guess that's all. More to come later! Be Blessed!
1 comment:
hey, I'm so happy you went to Praise and Pie night!! How was it? I always love hearing what othes have gone through in the past year.
Soon we'll be home and right now I'm not feeling well so if you would pray for me I would appreciate it so much!!
Love Liz
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