Okay I'll start at the beginning. I spent the day with Briten & at one point we were talking about adoption. She jumped up excitedly with a sweet smile & sparkle in her eye & came back clutching a precious folder. It was a scrapbook, a menagerie of memories, pictures taken, pictures drawn, letters of love & encouragement from their little girl they sponsored years & years ago. They have loved & taken care of her & have this strong bond & relationship with her. I remembered seeing Compassion tables set up at a Michael W Smith concert I went to years ago when I was young & not married. My heart hurt & was burdened to pray for all those beautiful babies, those sweet faces. It was like a flashback then it hit me suddenly! We could make a difference! It's never too late & perhaps God has chosen a special child that is across the globe, waiting & wondering if someone loved them & would care for them. A family who would teach them about His love & never stop loving or supporting them as long as they were needed. Why didn't we ever even think about this??????? Wow! Could there be someone out there for us???? God may have orchestrated this years ago knowing when we were at this point in our lives He would provide a way for us to further His kingdom & be a blessing somehow???? But with our financial future so uncertain & only one more week of $300 coming in from unemployment, why now? How would this be possible? This is a huge sacrifice, a serious commitment. How could we do this? But as soon as that question entered our minds it was IMMEDIATELY answered with a firm, yet kind how could you not????? This life is so not about us, but reaching out & giving of ourselves with a gentle Christian love. I was touched by Brit's folder & my heart was so blessed by their humble decision to take this child & make her a part of their lives, their family. I borrowed her book on Compassion & as I drove home, hope sparked within my heart & a joy bubbled up deep in my soul. I was going to save a child! When Colin & I put the kids to bed I talked about the scrapbook, Compassion & showed him the book. He covered my hand with his & said right away, " I am all for this. Let's pray about it." It was an immediate response. We felt joy & an excitement to go online & pick "our little love"....
James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. NLT
Do you ever read Mckmama's blog? She's another famous blogger. Her baby, Stellan had a problem with his heart in utero and she blogged about it. He should have died and almost did several times. He's completely healed now. Anyway, she has adopted a lot of kids with Compassion and gone on mission trips with Compassion. Google Mckmama and you can find her blog. She's very real.
Here's one post about her trip...
Beautiful Diane. This has been such a blessing in our lives and reminder of how blessed we are when we get Jean Michelle's letters. Let me know how everything goes!
Ok, I thought that I just posted a comment but apparently it didn't go through?? Oh well. Anyway, thanks for sharing and I am excited to see the story continue...
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