I love this book. It was so cheap too! I scored it used online thru amazon so it was a great deal & so worth it! I love the money saving tips & tricks, frugals recipes & ideas for cleverly making your money stretch! This is especially helpful because we buy all of our food organic or all natural & at Stop & Shop, Wholefoods or Trader Joes. I love how my daughter asks "How much is that Mom? Is that expensive?" She is learning the value of things & knows we are careful with our finances. She is learning all the change & dollars & fractions & such in her 1st grade math & is so smart! I'm glad it comes easy for her because it's going to be invaluable to her as she grows & learns how to budget. We play store & I have her count out change & add & subtract & she often pretends she found something on sale or gives me a coupon! Another frugal smart shopper! Check out this book; it's well worth the $ you'll spend~I buy all my books used from Barnes, Half.com or Amazon, so check one of those sites first or your local used bookstore!
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