Hey and howdy! Wow! I'm doing good this week with bloggin' huh? Well, Mia has been doing workbooks on and off for about a year, and beofre that, she knew all her flashcards before she was 2. Basicly we have been reviewing and playing school. She really has been growing so much and asking more and more how to read and write and can she do more schoolwork? Last week I started doing workbooks for an hour, then a project, then book reading, then coloring. She really loves it and is doing well so far. I like that we can be flexible and skip a day, or only do stickers and painting another day, and do 3 workbooks or just practice writing her name, or sight cards. She's only 3 1/2 so we will go slow with it, but I will at least be doing something with her for about 90-120 min 2 or 3 times a week, more if she is wanting to. My mom and I just shopped for some prescool and kindergarten very basic books and workbooks on CBD. Great site, and they can send you a catalog of just homeschool products. My mom and dad are giving her those for Christmas, she will be so excited! Thanks for the help, we sure do appreciate it! She does her work at the table, and has a little nook with some of her things upstairs ( beacuse of space, I have storage bins downstairs with the rest of her art and supplies). I can also look thru my old workbooks for ideas since my mom saved my schoolwork and such from when I was homeschooled. Have I thanked you today for that yet mom? SOoooo glad I was home taught! My mom is an amazing inspiration! Today we made smoothies and homemade waffles, some regular, some blueberry. My mom let me use her iron for a couple of days. My plan is to make a lot to freeze for us and maybe anyone else who would like to have some to stock up on. Shelly, I would make you guys some, but for the allergies...Sheri, if you'd like a bag, just let me know what kind. Ness, Riley would loove these...Jewel, I could bring some over soon, Ali doesn't have a computer, so maybe I'll surprise her! Everyone else lives in another state! Liz, Colin can bring some in work and give them to Tom...Anyone else I forgot, I can take special orders! Then we had outdoor time and got to watch men work outside on the road, they were fascinated by the big machines! The man even waved at them! (They were thrilled!). We did chalk and bubbles, and had snack time, while she fed Eli, I gave him a quick haircut. After that it was bathtime and they are napping...ahhh the sound of silence! So here's a couple of random shots from this morning I didn't take any outside, just a few of what we made and a lot of bathtime! There ae also a couple shots of the school cart in our kitchen. We got the map in a states puzzle we bought them. The cool chart is from mom! Also I am showing Mia's project she did yesterday because it's so cute! We did her handprints and she told me all the things she uses her hands for and I wrote them down for her!
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