Sorry! It has definately been awhile since I've blogged, I've been super busy! To tell you the truth, When I do come on the computer I am on Facebook. How have you all been? We are awesome! Easter was fantastic, His presence was felt and the Spirit was moving! The concert on that Friday night was indescribable! It was my first, and some of my friend's firsts as well. Several people came forward to accept Christ in their hearts and several wrote to John praising the night's music, the dedication, the performance. The most amazing part for me, and I know it was John's favorite too was the end when we all came down on the stairs and sang the Marvelous light medly with Shine Your Light. Everyone young and old, all over the building held up their lights together in the darkness. It was exhilerating! We are blessed to be used for His glory, for His purpose, and for one mission. We share our hope and joy from our hearts to yours. Thank you for all who attended. I hope you were touched and blessed greatly.
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