Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh My!!!!!

I am so beyond excited! In my last post, I wrote about Robin Jones Gunn, my favorite author. She sends out a newsletter every month called Robin's Nest, you can sign up for it at She posted about a contest she was having to give away 15 copies of her newest book from the Sisterchicks series; Sisterchicks in Wooden Shoes. The rules were to post a blog promoting her book on your online site or blog and send her the link. I posted the blog here and on Facebook. She sent me an email yesterday already and told me I was one of the 15 chosen! She is going to mail me her book and AUTOGRAPH it. Are you kidding? Yeah, I screamed. Jumped around. Screamed. I'm shocked and thrilled to say the very least! Whohooooo!


Ruth LaBombard said...

Congrats, winning is so fun!! I'll be sure to check her out. I'm always looking for good Christian books. We're coming up next week to visit for a few days, let's try to get together. Love you!!

Julie said...

I just love your 10 reasons!
Don't you just love how confrontational public school moms can get (not all of them, thankfully) but if we say anything about why we homeschool...then WE'RE being judgmental?!?!?
But I'm not! I never get in their faces (or business, for that matter) and ask them why they send their children to public school!

Anywho, those wooden shoes.... what a memory you've brought back to me. My grandfather brought back a pair of dark green, painted, wooden shoes from the Netherlands (he served in the Navy during WWII). My mother didn't save them (she's not a sentimental person.) I sure wish that I had them, though, for the obvious reasons and also because I got to take them to show & tell in the 2nd grade.

I pray that you had a beautiful mother's day!

Many Blessings,

jennifer said...

ooh! how exciting! congrats to you!

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