For those who are following my blog, then waiting for me to come back since I've been gone...I'm here! It's been a rough couple of months with my Papa being in ICU for 8 weeks, then I got poison sumac and was horribly miserable! I recovered, then the next month brought a whole new lot of problems...I got the flu which made way for strep, which I generously passed on to my whole family, since I obviously was the one taking care of them, thru all this sickness...All 4 of us are just about done with our meds and feelin great! Mia broke her leg, actually, cracked her tibia, and has been back and forth between dr's and having xrays and being casted twice so far. She didn't cry once, she sits so still and watches whatever they do with curiousity and questions. She loves having a bright pink cast and had all her friends and teachers, and of course John Delricci sign it for her at church. We go back in two weeks for new xrays and to take it off, hopefully for good. Eli had a nasty spill and we took him to the hospital, but he didn't end up needing anything, it was just another of many bumps and bruises he has had and has yet to have! Colin's temporary position is up in a week and he will be once again be on the looooonnngggg waiting list for work. God has brought us through so much, He has sustained and provided for us in good times and bad, we will trust in Him and even though the unemployment is 1/2 his paycheck, we have to let God work out the details, and just keep praying and doing the best we can to take care of our little family. We had to adjust some plans and dreams since work may not be steady again for a year; work is almost nonexistent in the Union. I was not happy and wrestled with some things between God and I, and I'm happy He won, and I am always learning, changing and growing. Like I said on my Facebook; My every day life usually includes sprinkles and sometimes unexpectedly and suddenly includes showers turning into downpours, but I have a pretty umbrella so bring on the rain! :)
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