My kids are such great little helpers around the house; give them each a Swiffer duster & they are thrilled to dust! ( Which is great because I very much dislike dusting & I think it's pointless). Mia loves to help vacuum & she has her own "jurisdictions" as well as Eli who also has a few simple small things they are responsible for around the house as a part of our family. Well each day we do at least one load of laundry. It's neverending, a forever cycle (pun intended lol) I always had like, 19 piles around the living room of kitchen, bathroom, Mommy, Daddy...and so on for each child. So I thought of a way to get the kids involved & would be a better system. I already had these cute little baskets so I found a new home for the outdoor toys & under cabinet stuff in each box, cleaned them out & gave one to each of the older ones. When I take up a load of clothes, they pick thru for their own things first, put it in their own kid laundry baskets, put it away, then come back to each take a room & help but those away, then I fill the blue with Daddy's & the purple with Mommy's & the 2 babies clothes get taken in the big basket t their room, since they always have a lot! Works great! When the other 2 are older, they will all have their own baskets & they will be responsible for all their own stuff. Gives them a sense of independace sorting & putting away their own stuff & it's great to have the extra hands! Quoting one of my best friends Abbey "There is no cure for laziness, but a large family helps!"
1 comment:
What great kids you're raising! Sounds like a great plan to find ways for them to be involved and have fun while they're helping you!
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